Running from Crazy

Running from Crazy is a 2013 television documentary film by director Barbara Kopple about the family of Mariel Hemingway, grand daughter of Nobel Prizewinning author Ernest Hemingway. Through the eyes of Mariel, who received an Oscar nomination for her role in Woody Allens 1979 film Manhattan, and who has spoken for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, it chronicles the story of three of the authors grandchildren, Mariel, Margaux Hemingway and Joan Muffet Hemingway, daughters of Jack Hemingway, and their struggles with the family history of substance abuse, mental illness and suicide. First shown at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, the documentary was promoted on the Oprah Winfrey Network, which aired its premiere on April 27, 2014.

The film includes excerpts from lengthy footage filmed by Margaux in 1983, called by a reviewer the most riveting depictions of the Hemingway clan. It demonstrates the contrast between the two sisters Margauxs modeling and acting career ultimately collapsed, and in 1996 she died of a drug overdose just days before the 35th anniversary of her grandfathers suicide, while Mariels early career was successful. In the documentary, Mariel describes her own experience with depression and thoughts of suicide, which she says she has overcome, and talks of her difficulties in dealing with sometimes abusive family members, a and with the mental illness of her sister Muffet, diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia.A reviewer called the film one of the bleakest snapshots of the human soul at this years Sundance festival. ........

Source: Wikipedia